The library has a small number of Windows and Mac computer stations for students to use anytime the library is open. Software configurations are listed below.
Some of our Windows computers allow guests to use them for a maximum of 3 hours per day. More information about guest computer use is available at the Information Desk.
You can generally find a solid WIFI connection anywhere in the building. Help with Drake Wireless setup.
A self-service laptop kiosk is available in Midnight Hall. Drake students, faculty, and staff can use the kiosk to borrow a MacBook laptop for free for up to four hours (or until the battery needs to be recharged).
Cowles Library does not provide technical support for kiosk laptops. Information about the MacBooks and how to use the kiosk is available in the ITS Knowledge Base.
Information and support for using your own device on campus and in the library is available on the Drake ITS website. Particular topics of interest include:
The library's printers use Drake's managed print system and are located near the Information Desk on the main floor and in Midnight Hall. Printers can also make photocopies and scan documents to email. The ITS Knowledge Base has the latest how-to guides and print cost information.
The library also has a dedicated document scanner, located on the east side of the main floor, that allows you to save scanned documents to your USB flash drive. There is no charge to use the document scanner.
Archives & Special Collections has a microfilm and microfiche reader that allows you to save scanned images to your USB drive. Contact Archives staff for hours and availability.
Windows | Mac |
Information about borrowing, renewing, and materials available for checkout
Course ReservesUse materials placed on reserve by your instructors
FastTRACBorrow books directly from other Iowa academic library partners
Interlibrary LoanBorrow material from libraries around the world
Request a PurchaseAsk the library to purchase books or other research materials
Drake history and Iowa political papers
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Help with course material adoptions and textbook alternatives
OERExplore, adopt, adapt, and create open educational resources
Publishing SupportResources to help you publish your research
What we do and why
VisitHours, directions, and guidelines for your Archives visit
PoliciesPolicies governing use of Archives resources and services
Contact & SupportReach, follow, and support the Archives
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Using the LibraryBorrowing materials, finding a study space, locating services
Drake OnlineLibrary services and support directed toward Drake Online and other off-campus students
Feedback & ProblemsProvide feedback or resolve a problem with the library
Resources and information literacy expertise to support your teaching
Requesting MaterialsCowles Library faculty and staff profiles
JobsStudent employment at Cowles Library
Where we are and when we're open
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Room ReservationsCheck availability and reserve a room
Computers & PrintingTechnology in the library
Cowles Library mission and vision
PoliciesPolicies governing use of library resources, space, and services
Diversity, Equity, & InclusionLibrary support for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice