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Drake University Archives & Special Collections

About the Program


The Records Management program is under the administration of the Drake University Archives and Special Collections. Its mission is to manage all college, department, or office non-current records of the University by providing support through establishing a program that complies with the creation, access, retrieval, storage, security, and disposal of information in an effective manner. Records management accomplishes this mission by:

  • Centralizing the storage of all University non-current records
  • Ensuring that non-current University records are stored in accordance with Best Practices and guidelines
  • Disposing of non-current records in accordance with guidelines established by Drake University
  • Establishing an effective filing system and retention schedule that ensures non-current records are transferred, stored, and retrieved in an effective and efficient manner
  • Providing for the safety of stored records, in any media


The program's services include:

  • Record transfers to the University Archives & Special Collections
  • Donation of materials to the Archives and Special Collections
  • Consultation on organizing electronic records, and digital imaging
  • In-person education and training on best practices with record keeping and electronic records management

Why Transfer Records?

The Records Management program of the University Archives and Special Collections is the steward of the University’s records of enduring value, in any form, that are entrusted to its care. As the archival repository for all university records, it has the responsibility to collect, appraise, describe, preserve, and make available university records of enduring value in compliance with appropriate laws and regulations and university records schedules. Records Management selects university records for preservation, in consultation with staff or faculty in charge of the college/department responsible for the records. Colleges/departments are responsible for transferring selected university records according to the guidelines of the Archives and Special Collections.

The transfer of records assists with the following:

  • Promote effective record keeping: Details of past events, projects, and processes are made easily accessible through online archival finding aids.
  • Improve access: Non-current documents can be scanned and emailed directly to your office upon request.
  • Regain space: Reduce duplicate copies, visual clutter, and overcrowded file cabinets.
  • Improve cost-efficiency: Cut your costs to store, retrieve, and preserve older records.
  • Reduce risk: Eliminate the danger of historical records being mismanaged or misplaced.

What Records Should I Transfer?

To review areas of collecting interest for the University Archives and Special Collections, and to get more information on record transfers or gifts and donations, please see our Collection Policy section.