Records Management
In This Section:
Analog: Information or data that is not digital.
Archives: The division within an organization responsible for acquiring and maintaining the organization’s records of continuing value.
Born-digital: Originated in a computer/digital environment.
Digitized Record: A record that has its information transformed from analog into digital form. Records can be digitized by scanning, photography, or converting analog audiovisual data into digital audiovisual data (bits).
Disposition: Materials’ final destruction or transfer to archives as determined by their appraisal. See also: Retention.
Electronic Record: Data or information that is created electronically and requires the use of a technology/automated computer system to render it intelligible by a person.
Historical/Enduring/Continuing Value: The importance or usefulness of records based on the information they contain that justifies their permanent or continued preservation.
Non-current Records: Inactive records; records no longer used in the day-to-day course of business, but which are preserved and occasionally used for legal, historical, or operational purposes.
Official Record: A complete, final, and authorized copy of a record.
Record Series: A group of similar records that are arranged according to a filing system and that are related as the result of being created, received, or used in the same activity.
Restrictions: Limitations on access to or use of materials. This may be defined by a period of time or by a class of individuals allowed or denied access.
Retention: The length of time records should be kept in a certain location or form for administrative, legal, fiscal, historical, or other purposes.
Retention Schedule: A document that identifies and describes an organization’s records, usually by series, and provides instructions for the disposition of records throughout their life cycle.
Sensitive Information: Personal or confidential information that should be protected from public scrutiny; information that may be sensitive because of legal, financial, or personal considerations; that may be potentially embarrassing and that individuals may expect to be kept private.
Transfer Agreement: Document describing the process of moving records as part of their scheduled disposition, especially from office to a records center, or from a records center to an archives.
Vital Records: Emergency operation records immediately necessary to begin recovery of business after a disaster.
* Source: SAA Dictionary of Archives Terminology.
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