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Library Liaisons

All Drake faculty share responsibility with Cowles Library faculty for the development of the library’s collection. Each College, School, and (in the case of Arts & Sciences) Department designates a member of their faculty to serve as a liaison to the library. Liaison responsibilities are listed below.

The Library Liaison Program is the main vehicle of communication, collaboration, and cooperation between library and faculty across campus. The library typically hosts a meeting of the liaisons once each fall and spring semester.

If you have questions or would like more information about the Library Liaison Program, contact Teri Koch at

Current Liaison Appointments

Department Librarian Liaison Discipline-Based Liaison
Art and Design Bart Schmidt, Doreen Dixon Sang Lee
Biology Dan Chibnall Jerry Honts
Business and Public Administration Teri Koch / Cameron Tuai Kent Hu
Chemistry Dan Chibnall Colin Cairns
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Health Sciences) Dan Chibnall Christine Urish
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Graduate and Health Professions) Priya Shenoy Christine Urish
Data Analytics Cameron Tuai TBD
Drake Online Marcia Keyser Belle Cowden
Education Marcia Keyser DeDe Small
English Andrew Welch Jeanette Tran
Environmental Science & Sustainability Dan Chibnall Dian Nostikasari
History - U.S. Hope Bibens Rob Collis
History - World Bart Schmidt Rob Collis
Interdiscipinary Carrie Dunham-LaGree N/A
John D. Bright College Dan Chibnall / Cameron Tuai TBD
Journalism & Mass Communication Carrie Dunham-LaGree Jen Wilson
Law, Politics & Society Hope Bibens Nate Holdren
Mathematics & Computer Sciences Dan Chibnall Andrei Migunov
Music Laura Krossner Eric Saylor
Physics Dan Chibnall Athan Petridis
Politics and International Relations Hope Bibens Kieran Williams
Psychology Teri Koch Deb Cronin
Philosophy & Religion Mark Stumme Martin Roth
Study of Culture and Society Bart Schmidt Elizabeth Talbert
Theatre Arts Andrew Welch Michael Rothmayer
World Languages & Cultures Doreen Dixon Eduardo Garcia Villada

Liaison Responsibilities

To help the library support the educational goals of Drake University and maintain open channels of communication and collaboration, there are several general responsibilities for liaisons.

Library Faculty Liaisons

The library faculty liaison is the primary contact for department/program faculty for questions and information regarding library collections, instructional support, and reference services. Responsibilities fall into these major categories:

  • Engagement – Serve as primary liaison to assigned subject area(s) for faculty, staff, and students. Take initiative to identify, meet, and facilitate ongoing communication about resource needs and service expectations. Let faculty liaison know when there are new resources of interest in their area. Communicate new or important library initiatives. Work closely with the faculty liaison during special projects.
  • Education and Outreach – Work with assigned subject area(s) to design appropriate instruction through a variety of methods. Promote library services and collections.
  • Research Services – Provide in-depth reference and research services to library users.
  • Collection Development – In consultation with faculty liaison, develop and manage collections in support of assigned subject area(s) in appropriate formats. Consult with the faculty liaison and other academic administrators concerning future academic directions, programmatic needs, and changes in course offerings that may impact how the Library supports the department/program.
  • Online Tools – Promote use of subject-specific information resources and services utilizing current technologies and information tools. Work to develop and maintain accuracy and relevance of these tools as they relate to subject-specific content.
  • Scholarly Communication – Work to educate and inform Drake faculty, administrators, and students about issues associated with the scholarly communication process, especially textbook alternatives and Open Educational Resources (OER).

College, School, or Department Faculty Liaisons

Faculty liaisons are appointed by the chairs of their respective academic units to serve as the primary representatives between the Library and their unit. Responsibilities include:

  • Attend bi-annual Library Liaison meeting.
  • Inform assigned subject librarian about future academic directions, programmatic needs, and changes in courses and/or degrees that may impact how the library supports teaching and learning through library collections, instructional services and/or other library services.
  • Inform assigned subject librarian about new, evolving, or diminishing research focuses that may impact how the library supports research and creative activities through library collections and/or services.
  • Regularly communicate with assigned subject librarian and encourage departmental colleagues to also communicate with assigned subject librarian regarding instruction, purchase, research, or information needs.
  • Distribute library communications to departmental colleagues. Coordinate any response to these communications that may be required.
  • Coordinate faculty recommendations for acquiring new resources.
  • Coordinate departmental participation in special library projects.