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Drake University Archives & Special Collections

Find & Use Our Materials

Find Our Materials

Our collections span various formats, each requiring specific platforms to meet their unique needs. These platforms enable users to efficiently explore and engage with our diverse collections.

  • Archival collections: These can be explored through our Finding Aids using ArchivesSpace, a platform that provides access to our finding aids, which are detailed descriptions of our collections.
  • Digitized materials: Select items from our archival collections are accessible in our Digital Collections, powered by CONTENTdm.
  • Archived websites: These can be searched through the Archive-It platform, which allows users to explore web collections, individual sites, or page text.
  • Publications and rare books: These are searchable via SuperSearch, our online library catalog system powered by Alma.
  • Dissertations and theses: These can be found on eScholarShare, a platform powered by DSpace.

Use Our Materials


We encourage the use of our materials but remind users that the University Archives and Special Collections do not hold the rights to all items in our collections. Therefore, users must adhere to copyright regulations. Visit our Copyright guide for information about copyright and Fair Use.

Preferred Citation and Credits

Additionally, we ask that all materials from our collections be properly cited in any usage. If you plan to use our materials for publication, please complete a Request to Publish form and submit it to To assist other researchers in locating our materials, please use the preferred citation and credits listed below when referencing items from the University Archives and Special Collections. For citing other materials, please refer to Cowles Library’s guidelines on citing sources.

  • Citing a collection

[Collection name], [Collection number]. Drake University Archives and Special Collections.

Example: Paul F. Morrison Athletics Collection, DU-008. Drake University Archives and Special Collections.

  • Citing an item within a collection

[Item name or description of item, date], [Collection date range], [Box number]. [Collection name], [Collection number]. Drake University Archives and Special Collections.

Example: Baseball, 1903-1974, Box: 01 of 01. Paul F. Morrison Athletics Collection, DU-008. Drake University Archives and Special Collections.

  • Credits for exhibitions and media projects

"Courtesy of Drake University Archives and Special Collections, Cowles Library." Please contact the University Archives for additional guidance if needed.