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Drake University Archives & Special Collections

Reading Room Policy

  1. After registering, please store coats, briefcases, parcels, backpacks, and personal books in the Research Room’s designated area.
  2. No ink of any kind may be used in the research area; use pencils only. Computers may be brought into the research area and used at the discretion of the Archives and Special Collections.
  3. Smoking, eating, and drinking are prohibited.
  4. All archival materials must be handled carefully. Only one folder at a time can be called. Keep folder contents in their existing order. Do not lean or press on archival materials. Do not trace maps or other records.
  5. No material may be removed from the research area.
  6. The Archives and Special Collections does not permit access to restricted materials.
  7. Researchers are advised that it is their responsibility to obtain copyright clearance to publish or otherwise reproduce or distribute archival material. Please refer to our Reproduction & Use Policy.
  8. A completed Reproduction Request Form is required for photocopies and/or digital scans. Some fees may apply.