University Archives
The University Archives is the official repository for all materials related to Drake University, documenting its history and providing primary source materials for administrators, faculty, students, alumni, community members, and other interested parties seeking to evaluate the University’s impact.
Drake University's history is preserved in various collections from its administrative units, academic departments, faculty, staff, alumni, and Drake-affiliated organizations. These collections hold lasting historical value and include non-current permanent records in formats such as photographs, documents, media, manuscripts, memorabilia, and digital files.
The Archives also preserve Iowa's political and social history. The Political Papers Collections contain materials from Iowa lawmakers and document the state's political processes. The Iowa History collections capture the social history of the Des Moines area and the state of Iowa.
Materials found in the Archives range from the late nineteenth century to the present and attempt to document all areas of campus life. Yearbooks, student newspapers and magazines, catalogs, meeting minutes, reports, survey results, event programs, booklets, manuscripts, sketches, music scores, and correspondences are included.
Digitized materials can be accessed in the Drake Digital Collections.
Record Groups
Collections are divided into three record groups and are a way of organizing, and describing collections of archival materials based on their provenance or source of origin.
Drake University History
Drake University's history is preserved in various collections from its administrative units, academic departments, faculty, staff, alumni, and Drake-affiliated organizations. These collections hold lasting historical significance and include non-current permanent records in formats such as photographs, documents, media, manuscripts, memorabilia, and digital files.
Political Papers Collections
Political Papers Collections include records from Iowa lawmakers or records that document Iowa’s political processes, including the Iowa Caucuses.
Iowa History
The Iowa History collections document the social history of the Des Moines area and the state of Iowa. Notable collections include the Cowles Family Papers, the Drake Neighborhood Association Collection, and the History of Oskaloosa College.
Please contact the Archives and Special Collections if you require assistance.
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