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Online Health Statistics Resources
County Health Rankings
"County Health Rankings presents nationwide county-by-county health data in an elegant, easy-to-navigate format. The site's home page is clean and simple, featuring a clickable map of the US and relatively few other navigational options. Click on any state and a new page appears, with a map of that state divided into counties shaded according to "health outcomes" (or, alternatively, "health factors") rankings. Moving the mouse arrow over individual counties displays the numerical rank of each county within the state. A menu to the left of the map offers other options, including links to the data in table format. Clicking the map on a particular county opens a table displaying the county-level data upon which the ranking system is based. Each element of data in the table for an individual county is further linked to a new page that explains that measure, its source, its importance, and its weight in the ranking. A new, smaller map of the state, again divided into counties, also appears on this page, shaded to indicate the county-by-county ranking for this individual data element. Once again, using the mouse to move over individual counties provides a numerical display, allowing quick and easy county-to-county comparisons for a given element. The site wins high marks for clarity, logic of presentation, and ease of navigation. Equally impressive, however, is the quality, consistency, and reasoning evident in the data, gathered from disparate authoritative sources and massaged into a compelling series of insightful snapshots designed to inspire action. This is a truly outstanding resource for public health research and advocacy." from Choice, July 2010.
Sage Data (formerly Data Planet Statistical Datasets)
Access to a variety of datasets including a good number of health related data sets.
The main hub for statistical information from more than 100 government agencies.
Finding and Using Health Statistics
Health Statistics provide information for understanding, monitoring, improving and planning the use of resources to improve the lives of people, provide services and promote their well being. This course describes the range of available health statistics, identifies their sources and helps you understand how to use information about their structure as you search.
Global Issues in Context - Gale
Offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Each of these gateway pages includes an overview, unique "perspectives" articles written by local experts, reference, periodical, primary source and statistical information. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal. Use Browse Issues and Topics, Country Finder, Basic Search or Advanced Search to explore the database.
Online statistics portal providing access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. Includes many easily-cited authoritative infographics.
WHO - Global Health Observatory (GHO)
The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHO's portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. It provides critical data and analyses for key health themes, as well as direct access to the full database. The GHO presents data from all WHO programmes and provides links to supporting information.