Current Drake students, faculty, and staff can easily place ILL requests by accessing their ILL account directly, or by selecting the “Request from Interlibrary Loan” link when they encounter material Drake does not own.
Your ILL account is divided into two sections: Profile and Requests. Most of your attention will be spent in Requests, but we do need to mention your Profile.
Here you can change your notification preferences. Your contact information is transferred directly from your Drake Banner account, so although the interface allows you to make changes to your email address, we ask that you do not do so.
If you would like to receive ILL notifications via text message:
You may opt out of text notifications at any time by reversing the above procedure, or by responding with the opt out message provided in the text message.
From the Requests tab, you can view your ILL checkouts, view active and closed requests, create new requests, recreate previous requests, or renew and cancel requests. Requests are sorted by Submitted Date with the most recently submitted requests appearing first. Click on the linked text in the Submitted Date column to view Request Details.
The Status column of the Requests tab lets you know what’s happening with your request. The statuses you’ll find here are listed below; those in orange apply only to books and other physical items, as articles will always be delivered electronically.
Click Create Requests to begin a new request. The request form defaults to Article, but you can select the Book or Other tabs as needed. The more information you provide, the better chance we have of filling the request, but you must fill out the required fields marked with an asterisk.
In the “About my request” section, the “Need before” date lets ILL staff know how quickly you’d like the item, but keep in mind that we may not be able to fill requests with very short turnaround times (i.e. 1 or 2 days).
You must submit a separate request for each item.
For books and other physical items, a Renew Request option will appear while the item’s status is Due 2024-07-19. You may request a renewal, but please keep in mind that Cowles Library has no control over a lending library’s renewal policies and there is no guarantee that the lending library will allow a renewal.
Once the item’s due date has passed and the request appears as Overdue, you will not be able to request a renewal from your ILL account. Contact to submit a renewal request.
Requests that have been completed or closed will remain in your request list for 36 months. If you need to request an item again, the Request Again button allows you to do so.
Because article PDFs are yours to keep, we encourage you to store them on your device until you no longer need them, rather than re-requesting them from ILL.
Information about borrowing, renewing, and materials available for checkout
Course ReservesUse materials placed on reserve by your instructors
FastTRACBorrow books directly from other Iowa academic library partners
Interlibrary LoanBorrow material from libraries around the world
Request a PurchaseAsk the library to purchase books or other research materials
Drake history and Iowa political papers
Digital CollectionsOnline access to unique items from the University Archives
Featured CollectionsBooks, eBooks, and videos we highlight throughout the year
Other Campus CollectionsHandpicked by experts for your area of study
Research ConsultationSchedule a one-on-one session with a librarian
Librarians who specialize in your area of study
Citing SourcesFind, organize, and use your citations
TutoringWriting Center, Speaking Center, and other Tutoring
Study SkillsTools & resources to help develop your study skills
What we teach and how we can help in your courses
Library LiaisonsConnect with a librarian
Course ReservesPut material on reserve for your courses
Help with course material adoptions and textbook alternatives
OERExplore, adopt, adapt, and create open educational resources
Publishing SupportResources to help you publish your research
What we do and why
VisitHours, directions, and guidelines for your Archives visit
PoliciesPolicies governing use of Archives resources and services
Contact & SupportReach, follow, and support the Archives
Guides, tutorials, and library expertise to help you succeed as a scholar
Using the LibraryBorrowing materials, finding a study space, locating services
Drake OnlineLibrary services and support directed toward Drake Online and other off-campus students
Feedback & ProblemsProvide feedback or resolve a problem with the library
Resources and information literacy expertise to support your teaching
Requesting MaterialsCowles Library faculty and staff profiles
JobsStudent employment at Cowles Library
Where we are and when we're open
Alumni & VisitorsServices for Drake alumni and visitors
Navigate the library
Room ReservationsCheck availability and reserve a room
Computers & PrintingTechnology in the library
Cowles Library mission and vision
PoliciesPolicies governing use of library resources, space, and services
Diversity, Equity, & InclusionLibrary support for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice