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EndNote Basic

EndNote Basic

EndNote Basic is a web-based citation manager available from Clarivate Analytics at no charge through the library's subscription to Web Of Science.


  • Able to store up to 2GB of data (50,000 citation maximum).
  • Capture Reference bookmarklet (Windows IE only) and Direct Export browser extension make capturing citations from web pages easier.
  • Cite While You Write plugin for Microsoft Word (Windows or Mac) takes some of the pain out of using and organizing references in your work.
  • Mobile app (iOS only) is available.
  • View other features in our Comparison Chart.

Creating Your Account

  1. Go to the EndNote Basic login screen, or access Web of Science and click the EndNote link at the top of the page.
  2. EndNote is not connected to your Drake credentials, so you'll need to create a free personal account. If you already have a personal account with Web of Science, ResearcherID, or Publons, use those credentials to sign in to EndNote. Otherwise, select the Register button and enter the email address and password of your choice. 

Configuring EndNote Basic

Begin Creating Groups

You can begin organizing your groups in preparation for adding citations to them. Groups are akin to folders, where you can store citations by topic, project, course, or any other arrangement you choose.

  1. Go to Organize > Manage My Groups and click the New group button.
  2. Enter a group name and click OK.
  3. Your new group appears in your group list. Check the Share box if you intend to share citations with other researchers who use EndNote. More about sharing groups with colleagues.

Adding Content to EndNote Basic

Export from databases

Many databases and search tools available through the library allow you to export citations in various formats. Some even allow you to export directly to certain citation managers. For example, SuperSearch offers a direct export to EndNote in its Actions menu (see below). Selecting this option takes you directly to EndNote in Web of Science and automatically imports the citation.

Import a file of citations

When importing a file of citations (for example, from another citation manager or from a database that does not offer direct EndNote export), the file will likely be in RIS format. RIS is the standardized tag format that allows citation management tools to exchange data.

  1. From the Collect tab, click Import References.
  2. For File, browse to the file of citations and click Open.
  3. If this is your first time importing a file, click Select Favorites and find "RefMan RIS" in the list, then click the Save to Favorites button. Hide the Favorites box and use the Import Option dropdown to select "RefMan RIS".
  4. Use the To: dropdown to select the destination group for the imported citations. If you don't want/have a group for them, select [unfiled].

Capture Reference bookmarklet

When you add the Capture Reference button to your browser's Bookmarks/Favorites bar, use it while visiting a web page to quickly capture one or more references from that page. To add Capture Reference to your browser, visit the Download page in EndNote. Information about the tool and compatible capture sources is available in EndNote Help.

We highly recommend verifying any citations gathered using the Capture Reference tool (or any automated citation tool). Some web pages are better than others at supplying the information necessary to create a good citation, and the tool is only as good as the information it finds on a page.

Create a citation manually

  1. From the Collect tab, click New Reference.
  2. Change the reference type by selecting from the Reference Type drop-down. The page will redisplay with the appropriate fields for that reference type.
  3. Enter the bibliographic data in each of the fields in the reference. Reference fields most commonly required for a properly formatted citation and bibliography appear in the Bibliographic Fields section. Less common fields appear in the Optional Fields section.
  4. If you want to add the citation to a group, expand the Group section and check the boxes next to the groups to add the citation to those groups. If you choose not to use a group, the citation will appear in the [unfiled] group. More about Managing Groups in EndNote Basic.

EndNote Basic Support

Clarivate Analytics provides an online Help section for EndNote Basic, as well as a guide that includes links to EndNote Support and a Quick Reference Card.

If you do need to contact EndNote Support, be sure to let them know that you are using EndNote Basic via Web of Science, because some features differ from the free version of EndNote.