The EBSCO eBook Academic Collection contains over 130,000 titles from university presses and academic publishers across many disciplines. Cowles Library subscribes to this collection, which means we do not own the titles, but most titles allow unlimited simultaneous use.
You can search for EBSCO e-books in SuperSearch or directly in the EBSCO interface. When you have found a title you’re interested in, you can click the title to get more information about the book. From that page, you can view the eBook online or download it to your computer or mobile device.
To view the eBook from SuperSearch, click “Full text options” and select the “EBSCOhost Academic eBook” link to load the detailed eBook record. Choose “PDF Full Text” or “EPUB Full Text” and the EBSCO eBook Viewer will load in your browser. The Viewer allows you to page through the book, jump to a specific page (either by page number or table of contents), view details about how many pages you are allowed to copy/print, search within the eBook text, and download the eBook, among other things.
Recommended browser settings for the EBSCO eBook viewer.
You can download parts of an eBook as PDFs using Save Pages in the EBSCO eBook Viewer. When you select Save Pages, E-mail Pages, or Print Pages, you’ll see a dialog indicating how many pages you’re able to retrieve at one time (see images below). This limit is set by the publisher and can be up to 100 pages.
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The Save Pages method is much easier and faster than downloading the full eBook option (described below). You do not need to create or log in to a My EBSCOhost account to Save Pages. To save more than the displayed limit, save as much as you can, then close your browser and come back to the eBook full text after 30 minutes or so. You will find that the limit has been reset. However, to avoid saving the same pages, you will need to navigate to the last page you saved and choose the “Current page and the next xx pages” option.
For example, if you saved pages 1-100, then later returned to the eBook, you would need to navigate to page 101, select Save Pages, and choose “Current page and the next 99 pages” to save pages 101-200 to PDF.
Downloading an entire EBSCO eBook is equivalent to borrowing a physical book from the library. You will not be able to indefinitely save the file like you can with PDFs, and you will have a limited amount of time to read the book. This is why we recommend using the Save Pages method, above.
To download the full eBook all at once, you will need either Adobe Digital Editions (Windows / Mac) or Bluefire Reader for Windows. Once you install one of these free apps, you will need to create an Adobe ID and authorize your device to use it.
You will also need to create a free My EBSCOhost account if you don’t already have one.
EBSCO offers a number of helpful documents related to downloading and using EBSCO eBooks on their eBooks & Audiobooks Support Center, including this QuickStart Guide.
Adobe Digital Editions offers an FAQ and Support guide for the latest edition of the app.
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