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Zimpleman College of Business resources: International Business

Resources for all academic majors and programs in Drake's Zimpleman College of Business

Cowles Catalog Search

International Directory of Company Histories

International Directory of Company Histories has detailed historical information on more than 11,000 companies worldwide. Includes all volumes.

Global Issues

Global Issues in Context


Offers international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, highly relevant sources for analysis of social, political, military, economic, environmental, health, and cultural issues. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal.  Check out the interactive map!


Handbook of International Business

Some International Business Journals

Journals in International Business, brought to you by Cowles Library:

CBPA Databases - International Biz

Dir. of Library Instruction

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Teri Koch
Cowles Library
Drake University
2507 University Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50311
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