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This guide supports the Hillel presentation (04/08/24) on Antisemitism.

"Islamophobia is a fear, prejudice and hatred of Muslims that leads to provocation, hostility and intolerance by means of threatening, harassment, abuse, incitement and intimidation of Muslims and non-Muslims, both in the online and offline world."

United Nations

Microagressions Toward Muslim Americans

  1. Endorsing Religious Stereotypes: statements or behaviors that communicate false, presumptuous, or incorrect perceptions of certain religious groups (e.g., stereotyping that a Muslim person is a terrorist or that a Jewish person is cheap).
  2. Exoticization: instances where people view other religions as trendy or foreign (e.g., an individual who dresses in a certain religion’s garb or garments for fashion or pleasure).
  3. Pathology of Different Religious Groups: Statements and behaviors in which individuals equate certain religious practices or traditions as being abnormal, sinful, or deviant (e.g., telling someone that they are in the “wrong” religion).
  4. Assumption of One's Own Religious Identity as the Norm: Comments or behaviors that convey people’s presumption that their religion is the standard and behaves accordingly (e.g., greeting someone “Merry Christmas” or saying “God bless you” after someone sneezes conveys one’s perception that everyone is Christian or believes in God).
  5. Assumption of Religious Homogeneity: Statements in which individuals assume that every believer of a religion practices the same customs or has the same beliefs as the entire group (e.g., assuming that all Muslim people wear head coverings).
  6. Denial of Religious Prejudice: Incidents in which individuals claim that they are not religiously biased, even if their words or behaviors may indicate otherwise.

From Subtle and Overt Forms of Islamophobia: Microaggressions toward Muslim Americans 

Islamophobia in the Current World

  • Wadea Al-Fayoume
  • Threats of Bodily Harm -- Link
  • Hijabi Women Targeted -- Link
  • Dua -- Her experience is featured in the article "For Muslim Americans, a spike in hate incidents feels reminiscent of post 9/11 Islamophobia" -- Link
  • Three Palestinian Students Shot -- Link



  • 2022 FBI Hate Crimes Statistics -- Link
  • Islamophobic Incidents -- Link

Links to Resources

  • Resources discussing the definition of Islamophobia -- Link
  • Viewpoints and news on definitions of antisemitism -- Link
  • Young Adults Speak Out About Encountering Islamophobia | Take Back | NBC Asian America -- Link
  • Islamophobia Surges in the U.S. Due to Global and National Tensions -- Link
  • With Islamophobia on Rise, Everyone Must Work Together to End Anti-Muslim Hate, Bigotry Everywhere, Secretary-General Stresses in Observance Message -- Link