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SuperSearch: Favorites

Information and guides to help you use SuperSearch at Cowles Library

What is My Favorites?

In SuperSearch, My Favorites is a place for you to save favorite books, articles, and other types of records for later viewing, citing, etc. It used to be called "eShelf." In My Favorites, you can

  • organize items with tags (called "Labels" in SuperSearch);
  • export items to a citation manager, like RefWorks, EndNote, or Zotero.

You can also save favorite or frequent searches to your Favorites, and set alerts to be notified when new materials match those searches.

  • Easily repeat frequent searches.
  • Set alerts so you can be notified when new Library materials match your search criteria.
  • Subscribe to an RSS feed for your searches.

First Step: Sign In

While it is possible to add items to My Favorites without signing in to SuperSearch, we recommend that you sign in first to ensure that your items are saved under your account.

Adding Items to My Favorites

The easiest way to add items to My Favorites is by clicking the "pushpin" icon that appears on each search result. A pushpin with a line through it means you've already added it.

If you are viewing an individual record, the pushpin icon appears in the upper right corner.

Pushpin icon - click to save item to My Favorites

Saving a Search

After you execute a search, if you are signed in, you will see an option to save the search:

Search Alerts

Search alerts will tell you when new items matching your search criteria have been added to SuperSearch.

Setting Up Search Alerts

You can create a search alert immediately after you save your search by clicking on "Turn on notifications for this query" in the yellow box that appears at the top of the screen after you click "Save this search."

Enter your email address in the popup box that appears, and click Save.

You can also set up a search alert for an older saved search, as explained below.

Managing Saved Searches

Click on the pushpin icon in the upper right to go to your favorites.

Then click on the Saved Searches tab to see your list of saved searches.

  • The bell icon allows you to turn search alerts off and on. When the search alert is turned on, the bell will be filled in.
  • To delete a saved search, click the icon of the push pin with a line through it.

Organizing Your Items

After signing in, click the My Favorites pushpin icon that appears at the top of each page. Your most recently saved items will appear at the top.

In the past, you would organize results into folders. Now you organize results by using Labels, which are like tags, to group records into categorized lists. One of the main benefits of Labels is that you can apply multiple labels to a single record to include the same record in multiple lists.

Adding a Label

  1. Select the Saved Records tab (if not selected already).
  2. Click the Add Labels button. Add Labels button
  3. Enter a Label name. Entering a Label name
  4. Your new Label will appear underneath the record, as well as in the right margin of the Saved Records screen.

Removing a Label

  1. Select the Saved Records tab (if you're not already there).
  2. Click the record's Add Labels button.
  3. Click the "X" next to the Label you wish to remove. Removing a Label

Viewing Grouped Records

  1. In the Labels section of the Saved Records tab (right margin), click the Label to view all records to which you've assigned that Label. (The number next to the Label indicates how many records are attached to that Label.) Labels section of Saved Records

Sorting Saved Records

You can change the sort order in the full list or a grouped list by selecting the Sort by dropdown and selecting Title, Author, or Date added:

The 'Sort by' dropdown

Exporting Records

In the Saved Records tab, you can export a single record or multiple records (no limit) to citation managers, email addresses, and printers for personal use. Keep in mind that exporting to email or a printer will not send the full text of a record, only information about the record (email will also include links to the record an any full text options, if available).

Export a single record:

  1. Click the ellipsis on the record you wish to export. Ellipsis in a single record
  2. Select an export option and follow the prompts to complete the export. Export options

Export multiple records:

  1. Select the check boxes of the records that you want to export. You can select the check box above the list to select all records. Note: until you select at least one record, the ellipsis at the top of the list will be "grayed out" and unavailable.Selecting multiple records for export
  2. Click the ellipsis at the top of the list to select an export option.
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the export.