
A pathway and access to databases and other library resources for education research

Your Librarian

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Marcia Keyser
Cowles Rm 143
Subjects: Education

Education @ Drake

Education Databases

Education Database List   Link to 13 of the best Education Databases where you can search for recent (or older) publications

SuperSearch  Search milions of articles, book chapters, ebooks, books, and videos in most subject areas at Drake. Be forewarned that Education resources (other than books) are not well represented in SuperSearch. Books at Cowles Library are located by using SuperSearch.

All Databases  Start here to browse through all 216 databases available through Cowles Library. You may be interested in PsycINFO, for psychology of learning research, or Business Source Premier for material about adult learning, or in many other useful collections and databases.



Borrow & Request


How to borrow books from Cowles Library 

How to borrow books or receive article copies from another library (ILL, or Interlibrary Loan)

If you are using SuperSearch, you should know that it is pre-set only for materials available immediately through Cowles Library. If you want to expand your search, go to the upper left corner and select "Include Items Available Via Interlibrary Loan". 

Reference Books or Handbooks


Credo Reference is our largest online collection of Reference books on all topics. Type in any almost topic to find both short and long articles about it.

Oxford Handbooks Online provides slightly larger reference sources. Search "Education" to see its many subjects in Education.