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Unmet Learning Resource Needs: Wishlist: STEM/Health Sciences

Wishlist of unmet learning resource needs by discipline

Nature Archives backfile

We average about 30 turn-aways each year to each part of the Nature Archive. Pricing is from 2016.

1868-1949: $79,751

1950-1986: $79,751

1987-1996: $31,654

IMPACT ON STUDENTS: The library's current subscription can provide access to 1997 to current. The ability to easily retrieve full-text articles from older issues of Nature would be beneficial to students studying in the STEM fields as much current research cites older research and builds upon it. Our usage statistics indicate multiple turn-aways each year (people trying to access content who are unable to do so because we don't own). 

Subject Areas: Biology; Chemistry; Biochemistry; Genetics; General Science

Integrated Pharmacy Collection (LWW)

- Authoritative, must-have ebooks from a leading publisher in basic pharmaceutical sciences ideal for educators and students include—depending on the individual collection—case study references, clinical skill-building textbooks, comprehensive principals and practice references and illustrated atlases. 
- Books are continually updated with the most current edition.
- Access to—depending on the individual collection—to, a comprehensive clinical support site that includes patient handouts, clinical videos, and expertly written diseases and drug content, and more.
- Resources are also great for corporate pharmacy training programs.
- Download MARC Records into your institution’s library catalog 

Individual collections include:
Cornerstone Pharmaceutical Sciences Collection
- 17 pharmaceutical science books - including current and previous editions of 3 classic titles - for use in the first 2 years of a PharmD curriculum 
- Topics and subjects included span medical chemistry, physical pharmacy, pharmaceutics, dosage forms, pharmacokinetics and more

Clinical Pharmacy Collection
- Ideal for use in the second half of a PharmD curriculum, including board prep for the NAPLEX 
- Case study references and clinical skill-building textbooks, including Koda Kimble and Young’s Applied Therapeutics and Comprehensive Pharmacy Review for the NAPLEX
- Access to, a comprehensive point-of-care support site that includes patient handouts, clinical videos, and expertly written diseases and drug content, and more

Integrated Pharmacy Collection
- Combines the Pharmacy Cornerstone and the Pharmacy Clinical collection—a bookshelf of 30 titles for an entire PharmD curriculum
- Covers topics from Year 1 to rotations to NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination board) preparation
- Ideal for faculty who’ve chosen to offer an integrated approach to pharmacy education—where multiple disciplines are taught through the course

COST:$11,017 for a yearly subscription (list price is $12,241, which the price will jump to if we don't subscribe in the next couple of months) 10/2/18

REQUESTING FACULTY MEMBER:Shankar Munusamy, Associate Professor of Pharmacology (Priya Shenoy)
IMPACT ON STUDENTS: This fantastic eBook resource has many core Pharmacy titles.  In particular, this database has an electronic version of Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy, 4th Edition, the primary text used throughout the three-semester Principles of Drug Action (PDA) course series.  Help decrease the amount that pharmacy students spend on their textbooks!

Subject Areas: Pharmacy, Health Sciences


Occupational Therapy Collection (LWW)

A unique combination of 11 must-have, core textbooks from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, PLUS roughly 45 clinical videos covering orthosis, physical dysfunction, and foundational knowledge.

Available via, this specialized book/multimedia package is ideal for the OT/OTA student and practitioner.

- Authoritative, must-have references from a leading health sciences publisher
- Books are continually updated with the most current edition
- Key titles include:
- Willard & Spackman’s Occupational Therapy
- Radomski: Physical Dysfunction in Occupational Therapy

COST: $11,165 for a one-year subscription

REQUESTING FACULTY MEMBER: Yolanda Griffiths (Priya Shenoy), Professor / Director, Chair, Occupational Therapy

IMPACT ON STUDENTS:  This eBook resource also has access to clinical videos and multimedia content to support a high-quality curriculum for Occupational Therapy students.  

Subject Areas: Occupational Therapy

American Diabetes Association digital ebooks

CompleteADA Collection $ 1,656
Medical Management Collection $ 532
Clinical Collection $ 1,124 
  Medical Management Collection
1 Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus
2 Medical Management of Type 1 Diabetes
3 Medical Management of Type 2 Diabetes
4 Intensive Diabetes Management
5 Medical Management of Pregnancy in Diabetes
6 Complete Nurse's Guide to Diabetes Care
7 Nurtition Therapy for Diabetes
8 Medications for Diabetes Management
  Clinical Collection
1 Behavioral Approaches to Treating Obesity, 2nd Edition (ADA)
2 Diabetes Ready Reference for Nurse Practitioners
3 Psychosocial Care for People with Diabetes
4 Type 1 Diabetes Sourcebook
5 Exercise and Diabetes
6 Putting Your Patients on the Pump, 2nd ed
7 Teens with Diabetes
8 Life with Diabetes, 5th Edition
9 Diabetes Management in Long-Term Settings
10 Approaches to Behavior
11 Practical Insulin, 4th Edition
12 Diabetes Case Studies
13 Practical CGM
14 Clinical Care of the Diabetic Foot, 3rd Ed.
15 Diabetes Risks from Prescription & Nonprescription Drugs
16 Managing Diabetes and Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Setting
17 Meeting the American Diabetes Association Standards of Care
18 Hypoglycemia in Diabetes, 3rd Ed.

Options are either the complete or individual collections, and access is for unlimited users.

Deepak Jayanna, 9/6/19

Cost: Complete Collection: $1,656

Requesting Faculty member: Priya

Impact on Students:Students in the Diabetes concentration would have access to information related to their area of study.

Subject Areas:Pharmacy, Diabetes

Encoclopedia of Life Sciences (Wiley)

eLS (formerly known as the Encyclopedia of Life Sciences) is a monthly-updating reference work containing over 5,000 specially commissioned, peer-reviewed and citable articles written by leaders in the field. It offers comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the life sciences for students, lecturers and researchers alike.

eLS articles are accompanied by colour illustrations and tables. Appendix and glossary material provide essential information for the non-specialist, including biochemical and taxonomic information, acronyms, synonyms, units and other technical data. As all articles have been peer-reviewed, a balanced representation of the literature is ensured.


COST: $3,663 (yearly subscription) OR $15,608 one-time purchase (from Fall 2018)

Requesting Faculty Member: Jerry Honts, Associate Professor of Biology (Dan Chibnall)

IMPACT ON STUDENTS:  The library currently has access to various encyclopedic STEM sources for students to use, but this particular resource is an excellent one-stop shop for finding and understanding early research material for students about to start a project. Not only does it contain helpful, peer-reviewed articles but also gives researchers illustrations, tables, taxonomic information, and other details all in one place. This allows student researchers to be more efficient with their time and find the material they need to get started on deeper research.  

Comment from Associate Professor of Chemistry, Colin Cairns:  "I thought that the articles (I looked up articles on the Crispr-Cas method) were solid and up-to-date".

Subject Areas: Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Physiology, Biochemistry, and related subjects.


American Society for Microbiology (ASM) journals

ASM journals provide current, influential coverage of basic and clinical microbial research managed under a non-profit society by working scientists.

ASM Journals publishes 18% of all articles in microbiology and produces 32% of all microbiology citations. Content can be accessed at, which contains most of our journals, and, which hosts EcoSal PlusMicrobiology Spectrum, and the Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education.  


Stay informed with top microbiology research through the journals below at

·       Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy

·       Applied and Environmental Microbiology

·       Clinical Microbiology Reviews

·       Infection and Immunity

·       Journal of Bacteriology

·       Journal of Clinical Microbiology

·       Journal of Virology

·       mBio

·       Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews

·       Microbiology Resource Announcements

·       Molecular and Cellular Biology

·       mSphere

·       mSystems

Cost: $6,105 yearly subscription for everything.  URL for pricing is (we are Tier A).

Requesting Faculty Member: Dan Chibnall (STEM Librarian)

Impact on Students: Drake’s Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BCMB) major is a strong program so it requires the highest-quality resources, especially the most current research in many fields. ASM Journals publishes 1/5th of all articles in microbiology and produces 32% of all microbiology citations. In other words, it is one of the most important hubs or networks to seek and find the best research articles.  

Subject Areas: Microbiology, Bacteriology, Mycology, Protozology, Phycology, Parasitology, Immunology, Virology, and related areas.

Environmental Issues Online (ProQuest)

More information can be found here.

Environmental Studies is an inherently multidisciplinary field, where solutions to real-world issues lie at the intersections of the social sciences, the biological and earth sciences, the humanities, legal studies, and policy. This database uses text, archival primary sources, and video to address major past and ongoing environmental issues—water challenges, air pollution, biodiversity, climate change, energy issues, consumption and waste issues, and land issues—in comparative, historical, global, and interdisciplinary ways.

COST: $15,651 one-time fee, ____annual access fee

Impact on Students: Drake’s Environmental Science & Sustainability (ENSS) major just recently changed their name to focus more on the concept of sustainability and how it relates to environmental science topics, issues, and problems. Sustainability requires a lot of interdisciplinary research, which is exactly what Environmental Issues Online provides to student and faculty researchers. It shows how different forms of pollution, biodiversity, climate change, energy issues, and many other relevant and overlapping topics connect to one another. Having access to this would help students and faculty to focus not only on environmental issues but also on sustainability.  

Subject Areas: Environmental health, Environmental engineering, Public Policy & Public Administration, and related areas.

Elsevier Single Journal Titles

These are Elsevier titles that we don't have access to through the Freedom Collection that have had a high number of turnaways.





Turn Aways








2023 through July

2024 Pricing


Psychiatric Clinics of North America








Clinics in Sports Medicine








Mayo Clinic Proceedings








The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
















Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice








The American Journal of Medicine








The American Journal of the Medical Sciences








The Lancet Psychiatry













