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eScholarShare: How to Deposit Your Work: Steps for Depositing

Helpful Hints

  • Before uploading any content that has been published previously, check to see if uploading it here would breach copyright regulations.  See the SHERPA/RoMEO tab for more information.
  • At the top of every page is a progress bar that lights which step you are currently working on.  Clicking a specific button is a quick way to jump between steps.
  • At any point, you can click "Save & Exit" to save a partially-completed submission and return to it later.
  • Clicking "Next" or "Previous" does not delete the contents of the current page; feel free to move back and forth as needed.
  • If at any point you need help, contact Bart Schmidt.

Step 1 - Register/Log-in

  • If you've already registered and know your username and password, login by clicking "Login" in either the top right corner, or under "My Account" on the right.
  • If you haven't yet registered, please e-mail Bart Schmidt to set up an account and get your username and password.

Step 2 - Add New Item

  • Click Submissions button under My Account on the right side:

  • Click Start a New Submission

  • Select the collection your work belongs to from the dropdown menu.

Step 3 - Initial Questions

  • Click "Multiple titles" if your work has alternate titles, such as more than one title, an abbreviation, an acronym, a title in a different language, etc.
  • Click "Published" if it has been published or publicly distributed.  You will be able to enter citation information for where it was published later.
  • Click "Next" to continue.

Step 4 - Describe

  • Authors - Enter your name, then click add.  You can upload multiple authors, one at a time.  Enter organizations into last name field.
  • Title - Enter it exactly as you want it to appear in the repository.  This field is required (you cannot click next until this field is filled out).
  • Series/Report No. - If your paper is part of a working series or technical paper, enter the series and report numbers assigned to it here.
  • Identifiers - Enter any number that identifies your content in another identification system.  Select the system from the dropdown menu:
  1. ISSN - International Standard Serial Number
  2. Other - Use this for any other method of identification not otherwise mentioned in this list
  3. ISMN - International Standard Music Number
  4. Gov't Doc# - The classification number assigned to a government document by a government agency at any level (e.g., provincial, state, national, international)
  5. URI - Universal Resource Identifier - Previously published articles should be linked here to the published version, if available
  6. ISBN - International Standard Book Number
  • Type - Select the type of work (or genre) that best fits your item. Hold down the "Ctrl" key to select more than one type or use the "Shift" key to select groups of types within the list.
  • Language - Select the language of the main content of the item. If the language does not appear in the list below, please select 'Other'. If the content does not really have a language (for example, if it is a dataset or an image) please select 'N/A'.
  • Click "Next" to continue.

  • If you selected "Published" on the previous screen, you will have 3 more boxes to fill out.  These are required boxes that must be filled out before continuing.
  • Date of Issue: Enter the date of previous publication.  If you do not know the month and day, just put the year.
  • Publisher:  Enter the name of the publisher that previously published your piece.
  • Citation: For journal articles, include the journal title, volume number, date and page numbers.  For book chapters, include the book title, place of publication, publisher name, date and page numbers.

Step 5 - Descibe (Continued)

  • Subject/Keywords: Please provide as many appropriate keywords and subject terms to describe this item as possible, from the general to the specific. The more words you provide, the more likely it is that users will find this item in their searches. Use one input box for each subject word or phrase. Enter terms one at a time, clicking "Add" after each one. Your community may suggest using terms from a specific vocabulary, taxonomy, or thesaurus. If this is the case, please select your subject words from that list.
  • Abstract: Including an abstract makes your work more accessible for searching and retrieving for users. There is no limit to the length of the abstract you attach to your item in eScholarShare.
  • Sponsors: If your item is the product of sponsored research, you can provide information about the sponsor(s) or funding bodies. It might be of interest that the Research Information Network (RIN) has issued guidance on acknowledgement of funders in scholarly journal articles.
  • Description: Enter any other information about your submission or comments that you think may be of interest to users of the item.
  • Click "Next" to continue.

Step 6 - Upload

Select file: Click on the "Browse" button to a select file for submission.  The preferred file type is PDF.  If uploading multiple files, click "Upload and Add Another."

File Description: For items consisting of multiple files, enter descriptions such as "main article" or "images" or "data set" to distinguish each file.  This field is optional.

Once the correct file(s) is(are) uploaded, click "Next."

Step 7 - Review

To correct or edit information about your item, click on the corresponding button below each section, or use the buttons at the top in the progress bar to move back through the sections.

If all is correct, click "Next."

Step 8 - Grant License

To grant the license and agree to the terms, click the box at the bottom of the page.  Your agreement to this non-exclusive license is required before your item can appear on eScholarShare. By signing the license, the depositor grants eScholarShare a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free right and license to reproduce the Deposited Work(s) for archiving and preservation purposes; and to reproduce and make available to the public on the Internet for the purposes of non-commercial research or private study. Please read the full license carefully.

  • Once you agree to this license, you will not be able to modify the description or other data about the item.
  • Even if you do not grant the license, your document will still be accessible on your "My DSpace" page

Once complete, click "Complete Submission."

Step 9 - Submission Completed

You have completed submitting your work to eScholarShare.  Once reviewed by a librarian, your work will be accepted and you will receive an e-mail that it is a part of the collection.

Electronic Resources Manager