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Clinical Guidelines: Patient/Consumer Health Websites

Contains links to web sites and databases related to Clinical Guidelines.

CAPHIS Top 100 List: Health Websites You Can Trust

When looking for patient or consumer-friendly health information use the Consumer and Patient Health Information Services Caucus (CAPHIS) of the Medical Library Association resource page.

Other Patient and Consumer Health Friendly Resources

Micromedex, UptoDate Lexidrugs (formerly Lexicomp), Dynamed, and Natural Medicines all have patient-friendly language handouts.  Many hospitals and health centers where you will be fulfilling your IPPE and APPE hours will also have patient-friendly language handouts.  But, these resources are either subscription-based or institution-specific.  The resources listed below are free and can also be used once you finish your IPPE or APPE hours or once you graduate from Drake.