Financial information on companies, equities, fixed income, industry reports, SEC filings, interest rates, commodities, screening for stocks and mutual funds and more. **Note: Requires registration with your Drake email address.**
Detailed information on more than 11,000 companies worldwide. Includes all volumes.
Financial information on companies, equities, fixed income, industry reports, SEC filings, interest rates, commodities, screening for stocks and mutual funds and more. **Note: Requires registration with your Drake email address.**
Mergent Intellect contains access to private and public U.S. and international business data, executive contact information, industry research, and the ability to access industry profiles. Also includes demographic data from Nielsen. Can be used to create lists of companies by size, industry, location, and other criteria.
MRI+ is a library of key magazine planning data resources providing an information link between the planner and publisher. **Maximum of 10 simultaneous users.**
Register your Drake email account to create a personal profile.
About MRI-Simmons Insights
MRI-Simmons Insights provides access to consumer demographic, psychographic, brand preference, and media data from the Simmons National Consumer Survey (NCS/NHCS). The survey provides access to over 60,000 data elements:
-detailed consumer demographic data
-products and services usage for over 8,000 brands in more than 500 categories
-over 600 consumer attitudes, opinions, and segmentations
-shopping and spending behavior
-media and technology usage information
-lifestyle segmentations
Use MRI-Simmons Insights to create Quick Reports and Crosstabs to:
-Generate a demographic profile of your target consumer
-Identify the target market for a product
-Find out which consumers are more likely to use a specific brand, have a specific interest, or engage in a specific activity
-Identify the best media channels to reach your target audience
-Understand the psychographics (interests, opinions, attitudes, behaviors) associated with your target customer
Presents comparative business statistics. Each entry features a descriptive title; data and market description; a list of producers/products along with their market share; and cites original sources.
Richard K. Miller & Associates (RKMA), founded in 1972, publishes handbooks focused on marketing and the consumer marketplace. With over 30,000 copies in print, RKMA ranks as one of the country's largest market research publishers.
RKMA established itself as a leading market analyst and futurist firm in the early 1980s with its research on advanced computing. The forecasts of Richard Miller, founder and president of the firm, on the commercialization of computer graphics, real-time supply chain management, industrial automation, and other emerging technologies were amazingly accurate. RKMA first wrote about the Internet (then called Arpanet) in 1984.
Richard, who grew up working in his family's retail business, has held a lifelong interest in consumer markets.
In the 1990s, RKMA transitioned from engineering and technology to publishing market research on the consumer marketplace.
Online statistics portal providing access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. Includes many easily-cited authoritative infographics.
Statistical compendium covering the years 1750-2010 (with annual updates). Includes all statistical tables as Excel spreadsheets, which can be downloaded for further analysis. Topics include population, national accounts, labor force, agriculture, external trade and industry. Each section has a full description of the sources used to compile the statistics.
Sage Data (formerly Statistical Datasets) is a web-based research tool that provides fast and easy access to data from licensed and public domain datasets within a single interface.
Online statistics portal providing access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organizations and government institutions. Includes many easily-cited authoritative infographics.
Authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States.
Access to nation-by-nation (or aggregate) statistical data.
A resource for international viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events.
Access to nation-by-nation (or aggregate) statistical data.
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