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Copyright: Copyright Issues

Information about copyright in the United States

Copyright Issues

What are the issues? There are two common viewpoints when considering copyright: the first is that all content should be strictly controlled by its owner in order to maximize their profit. Some people also believe that a creation can be a special expression for the creator, and therefore should be under their explicit control. On the other side, some people believe that sharing creations without a charge helps to increase the knowledge and personal growth of all people. More people will read or view or listen to it, and share it with even more people. Some of those people will be the "right people" - those with the knowledge or background to fully understand or appreciate the creation. Sharing freely increases the chance that these people will find the creation. 
  So - do we tightly control the distribution of copyrighted creations, or do we hand them out freely? There are advantages to both approaches.

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Marcia Keyser
Cowles Rm 143
Subjects: Education