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Drake University Archives & Special Collections

Iowa Caucus Collection

Explore the Iowa Caucus Collection

In early 2014, Drake University's Cowles Library and The Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement announced the creation of the Iowa Caucus Collection to be housed in the University Archives. This historic collection will advance knowledge and research about the important political voice that have shaped Iowa and the nation.

The Iowa Caucus Collection is the only formal repository for the collection, preservation, and cataloging of historical artifacts associated with the caucuses. Since 1972, candidates have made exceptional efforts to attract Iowa’s first-in-the-nation voters, and this public collection will serve as a vital record of the special role Iowans have played in national politics and in selecting this country’s president.

In addition, the collection will be integrated into coursework, allowing Drake students to explore and better understand the history and significance of the Iowa caucuses. Students will also have the chance to work with Political Papers Archivist Hope Grebner Bibens in the preservation of these materials.

You can participate in building the Iowa Caucus Collection. We are accepting donations of Iowa Caucus campaign materials and files, memorabilia, footage, and photos.

Finding Aid

Iowa Caucus Collection